Public Holidays
This day marks the start of the Islamic Hijri calendar, which is based on the lunar calendar.
Eid Al Fitr (September)
An Islamic holiday which celebrates the ‘Feast of the Breaking of the Fast’ and lasts three days. It is held at the end of Ramadan. Exact dates vary depending on the official sighting of the moon. Check the newspapers, radio and televisions for announcements.
Eid al Adha (November)
This means ‘Feast of the Sacrifice’. It is a three day religious festival celebrated by Muslims to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismael for Allah.
Lailat al Mi’raj (July)
This day marks the ascension of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him) into heaven. This public holiday is celebrated on the 27th day of Rajab – the seventh month of the Hijra or Muslim lunar calendar.
National Day (November)
November 18th is Oman’s National Day as this marks his Majesty’s Birthday. It is one of the most popular festivals in Oman where everything from food, street fairs to camel line dancing and fireworks are on the agenda.
Renaissance Day (July)
A commemoration of accession of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos to the throne which is held on July 23.
This is the best time to be fully immersed into the culture and traditions of Oman.